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Effective Executive Magazine:
Leadership Lessons from the Edge

In turbulent environments, businesses are, to borrow a military phrase, living on planet VUCA where the atmosphere is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Working in a VUCA vortex challenges traditional ways of working. Companies in nearly every sector are discovering that markets and strategies require almost perpetual monitoring and adjustment. In a 24/7 global video-game, world time is compressing, information and talent go everywhere, and the rules of the game are in a state of permanent flux. John Seely Brown proposes that we need new roadmaps for organizations to respond to mounting performance pressures and make what he calls ‘the big shift’ away from the mismatch between how most of today’s companies are operated and governed and how the business landscape is changing.


Whatever maps are used leaders who can cope with this seismic shift are required. Successfully navigating through today’s challenges requires a different type of leader who experiences and lives in the world in very different ways to those of the past. That much is certain.These are not those who made their careers exploiting hierarchies, ‘metric mayhem’ or perfecting orthodox follow the money, ‘numbers-oriented’ corporate behavior. For Bob Johansen, Distinguished Fellow at the Institute for the Future, the type of strategy that works is to be very clear about where you’re going, but very flexible in how you get there. In this environment, he maintains, the best leaders are characterized by vision, understanding, clarity, and agility.Whilst this might be partially correct, there is far more to what is termed here elite leadership talent in a turbulent environment.


Effective Executive Magazine, Organizational Sphere, Multinational Corporation, Bureaucratic Leadership, Charismatic Leadership, Democratic Leadership, Corporate Leader, Transactional Management, Career Goals.